Monday, 16 December 2024

1d6 Celestial Phenomena

Eldritch Fields requested 1d6 celestial phenomena for the OSR Discord's 2024 Secret Santicorn1. Also, the Goblette (Goblina?) has reminded me that it was, in fact, her idea that the Christmas elves should form a trade union. So whoever's drawn that one... the credit is not due to me.

1. All three moons - the Red, White, and Black - are full.

All that stuff that happens on a full moon? It happens eightfold. The tides are so high that ships are sailing on the market square. All wolves are werewolves, and all men bitten are turned. All emotions are heightened (roll 1d12 instead of 2d6 for reactions and morale). Wilderness encounters at night have a 50% chance of being rolled on the table for daylight.

2. Meteor storm.

The emphasis here is on storm. The sky burns bright with bolides. Find cover, and quickly; it'll sound like a cross between hailstones the size of grapefruits, and the biggest thunderstorm you've ever heard. Find cover quickly. Soft objects - livestock, crops, wooden boats, the cheaper sort of house - will be destroyed over the course of a bombardment that lasts 1d6 hours. If caught outside, save vs. breath or take 1d6 damage per turn until you find protection. Your shield counts - once. 

3. Eclipse.

The sun is blotted out. Total darkness reigns for 2d4 minutes. During this time, any food prepared is poisonous (save vs. death or suffer consequences). All creatures aligned to Chaos have advantage on their rolls; all creatures aligned to Order have disadvantage. Rituals to summon demons etc. automatically succeed.

4. The Killing Star

A bizarre, polychromatic star is visible in the sky for 1d12 hours. 50/50 chance whether it rises at dusk or sets at dawn. Either way, anyone looking at it must save vs. death or be driven into a murderous rage. until the star is no longer visible. When in this state, they are overcome by bloodlust and cannot rest while any creature within sight remains alive.

5. Lights in the Sky

The heavens are illuminated with the shimmering lights of the heavens in motion as the spirits of the deceased dance overhead. Divine spells cast during this time are treated as though the caster were one level higher than their actual level. Prayers made have a 1% chance per level of being granted. Any character raised from the dead does not suffer from weakness, but has vivid recollections of the joyous time spent among their ancestors and experiences a longing to return to them.

6. A Child Is Born.

A great comet appears in the sky, its tail pointing the way toward the place of the Chosen One. Unfortunately, sages are divided on what, exactly, the One was Chosen for. Those seeking them should beware false prophets, inflated profits, and very naughty boys. Should they be found, it's sure that they'll be in need of an entourage.

1: What's a santicorn? About nine hornshackles.


  1. Happy new year!

    These are great, I like how they influence gameplay and are not just there to be passively observed!

    1. Glad you like them! I thought it was important that the entries meant something to gameplay, and that they shouldn't be exclusively positive or negative effects.


A Fighty Pile Of Slush

Blech. I've been trying to come up with a variant Fighter class for B/X derivatives. Trouble is, so has everyone else, and all my ideas ...