Sunday 21 April 2024

The Four Dragons

Surely everyone has a take on dragons. Here's mine.

Dragons follow their own morality, perhaps not quite so alien as that of the creatures of the Void, but certainly not one that humans might understand. In dealing with dragons, it is perhaps best not to draw their attention. Does it especially matter to a rat whether it is in a laboratory, the hands of a sadistic torturer, or the home of a loving owner? Could it even tell? So it is, when treating with dragons. Even a dragon which appears to be helpful is likely to view you as a useful curiosity... for now.

There are four Great Dragons: the Red, Yellow, Black, and Green. None is associated with Good, or Evil, or Order, or Chaos, in a way that mortals might understand. Lesser dragons may display some combination of these characteristics, and are correspondingly weakened by the dilution of their ancestors' blood.

It is of course the Yellow Dragon that is most feared, though in truth all inspire dread. Some hold that the Black and the Red dragon are enemies, and that the Yellow and White are enemies. Others hold that there is a fifth Great Dragon, incorruptible and unchanging.

Statistics for these in your game system are left to your discretion.

Yellow Dragon

The yellow dragon has the boldness of the lion, and controls fire. It seeks to acquire assets for its hoard, acting decisively to pursue its ambition. It is often bitter, usually short-tempered, and invariably daring - although for all that, it is displays good sense and does not take foolish risks. It is greenish-yellow in colour.

White Dragon

The white dragon has the sturdiness of the ox, and controls water. It values reasoning and logical investigation, pursuing scholarly interests. It is reserved, low-spirited and forgetful, and white in colour.

Red Dragon

The Red Dragon has the vision of an eagle, and controls the air. It values art and beauty, seeking to enjoy sensual pleasures. It acts spontaneously, according to its whims. It is enthusiastic, active, and social, making friends readily, joking and laughing. It is beautiful to behold.

Black Dragon

The Black Dragon has the spirit of a man, and controls the earth. It acts intuitively, in line with its connection with the Gods, to promote morality and punish vice. It is melancholy in nature, fearful, slow to act, and has a sickly appearance. It is black in colour.

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